Political Novel in Europe and Migration/Exile
Caponeu event23.05.2024 - 24.05.2024
Location: The Faculty of Polish and Classical Philology AMU (Fredry 10, Poznań) and Migrant Info Point (Marcinkowskiego 11, Poznań)
Organized by: Tomasz Mizerkiewicz, Krystyna Pieniążek-Marković, Anna Gawarecka, Ewa Szperlik, Magda Potok, Błażej Warkocki, Gerard Ronge (all Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań)
The workshop held at Adam Mickiewicz University and Migrant Info Point was aimed at examining the presence of the issue of (e)migration in the political novel in Europe (PNE), as well as the question of how the novel portrays its causes and effects (geopolitical, social, identity-related, etc.) and presents the phenomena of various exoduses in the context of democracy and authoritarianism. Speakers from the United Kingdom, Germany, Croatia, Poland, Cyprus, and Spain discussed a variety of both newly released and already well-known, canonized political novels and cultural phenomena related to the problem of economic, political, military and climatic (e)migration. The workshop was streamed via Adam Mickiewicz University YouTube channel and will result in publishing a series of articles and 4 podcasts.