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Research workshop: The Political Novel through the Lens of Gender

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27.06.2024 - 28.06.2024

Download the program of the workshop
Download the book of abstracts

Join the workshop online via Microsoft Teams

Venues: Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb, Ivana Lučića 3, Zagreb and Booksa, Martićeva 14d, Zagreb

The workshop aims to explore the complex relationships between the political novel as a genre, the broad spectrum of contemporary feminist and queer politics, and the disciplinary field of feminist and queer criticism. On the one hand, the novel has played a crucial role in the critical analysis of gender, as one of the most important subjects of feminist and queer criticism. On the other hand, feminist and queer criticism has always been closely intertwined with the political issues of gender rights and gender equality. In light of all these relations, the workshop will attempt to trace the current impact of the decades-long as well as contemporary feminist and queer engagement with the novel and discuss the theoretical, methodological, political and educational novelties that could emerge from the encounter of the feminist and queer perspective with the possibilities of thinking the genre of political novel.

Day 1

Day 2


The Political Novel through the Lens of Gender - Program

The Political Novel through the Lens of Gender - Book of abstracts