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Literature in Times of Crisis: What Can the Novel Do?

By: Heike Geißler, Alhierd Bacharevič, Maryam Aras, Ivana Perica, Patrick Eiden-Offe . This material is a product of the Caponeu project.

Roundtable with Heike Geißler, Alhierd Bacharevič and Maryam Aras as part of the CAPONEU annual conference What is the Political Novel: Defining the Genre.

At this roundtable in the evening program of the CAPONEU annual conference What is the Political Novel? Defining the Genre, the invited authors Heike Geißler, Alhierd Bacharevič, and Maryam Aras will examine the conference’s theoretical focal topics from the practical perspective of literary production as well as from their individual specific points of view. The generic term “political novel,” which is quite problematic in itself, will be discussed with regard to the forms of the novel, its historical and contemporary publics as well as its social contexts, which at times are untranslatable. 

Moderators: Patrick-Eiden Offe and Ivana Perica (both ZfL)