Ništa Sveto
Nothing Sacred
Yugoslav Wars
Andrea Milanko, PhD, Assistant Professor of Literary Theory and History. Her main research interests are literary and cultural theory and literary history, with the focus of lyric studies, narratology, psychoanalysis and deconstruction. She is a member of the CAPONEU Zagreb research team. In collaboration with Ana Tomljenović, I have developed the work package on teaching and literature. The goal is to bridge a wide gap between how literature is taught at university and how it is pedagogically treated in the classroom, with special emphasis on interventions in obligatory reading lists for students. Apart from that, I contribute to other project teams and work packages by presenting papers (Berlin 2023, Brighton 2024), participating in workshops (Zagreb 2024) etc.
University of Zagreb, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Department of Croatian Language and Literature
Book Author
Books/special issues of journals edited
Memberships and honours
Member of the Jury of Tportal Literary Award for the novel of the year (2019-)
Contact information
Ivana Lučića 3, 10 000 Zagreb;
External links
Yugoslav Wars