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Branimir Janković

Caponeu Team Member • Scholar

Branimir Janković,  PhD, Associate Professor of History. His research and teaching interests focus on the history of historiography, historiography and nationalism, the comparative history of revolutions, intellectual history, and public history. He is a researcher in the CAPONEU team. His role is to organize workshops, contribute to the research part of the project with presentations at workshops and conferences, publish papers on the relationship between history and the political novel, and write text portraits. 



University of Zagreb
Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
Department of History

Book author

  • Mijenjanje sebe same: preobrazbe hrvatske historiografije kasnog socijalizma (Srednja Europa, 2016)

Books/special issues of journals edited

  • Grandits, Hannes; Ivanović, Vladimir; Janković, Branimir eds. Reprezentacije socijalističke Jugoslavije; preispitivanja i perspektive (Udruženje za modernu historiju; Srednja Europa, 2019)
  • Janković, Branimir ed. Intelektualna historija (FF press, 2013)

Memberships and honours

  • member of the International Commission for the History and Theory of Historiography (International Committee of Historical Sciences)


University of Zagreb
Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
Department of History
Ivana Lučića 3
10000 Zagreb


External links

Reading materials


Political Novel in Historiographical and Sociological Perspective: Structures and Analogies - part 2