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Nenad Ivić

Caponeu Team Member • Scholar

Nenad Ivić, PhD, Professor of French Literature. His research interests include Late Antique and Medieval historiography, contemporary historiographical discourse, relations between historiography and fiction, contemporary theory, literature,  philosophy and music.

He is a member of the CAPONEU research team, responsible for research in the relations between history, historiographical discourse and fictional, novelistic discourse. He organized two workshops: with Dean Duda, Branimir Glavaš and Branimir Janković, “Political Novel in Historiographical and Sociological Perspective: Structures and Analogies” Zagreb, March, 15 – 16, 2024, and with Mirela Dakić “The Political Novel through the Lens of Gender”, Zagreb, June 27–28, 2024.


University of Zagreb
Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
University of Rijeka
Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences

Titles of published books and edited volumes

  • Ivić, N. 1992. Domišljanje prošlosti. Kako je trinaestostoljetni splitski arhiđakon Toma napravio svoju Salonitansku historiju, Zavod za znanost o književnosti, Zagreb.
  • Ivić, N. 2001. Textus. Istraživanja o Amijanu Marcelinu, MH, Zagreb.
  • Ivić, N. 2009. Napulj i druga imaginarna mjesta, Gordogan, Zagreb.
  • Ivić, N. 2012. Augurium. Gustav Mahler: pustolovina neodgovornog nosača, Gordogan, Zagreb.
  • Ivić, N. 2014. Grč Sirene. Stihovi u Gordoganu 2003-2013, Gordogan, Zagreb.
  • Ivić, N. 2021. Građanski rat riječi. Književnost i povijest, Sandorf-Mizantrop. Zagreb.
  • Biti V., N.Ivić, J.Užarević (ed.) 1995. Trag i razlika. Čitanja suvremene hrvatske književne teorije, Naklada MD/HUDHZ, Zagreb.
  • Ivić, N., V.Biti (ed.) 2003. Prošla sadašnjost. Znakovi povijesti u Hrvatskoj, MD, Zagreb.
  • Ivić, N., S.Roić (ed.) 2003.  Predrag Matvejević. Književnost, kultura, angažman, Prometej, Zagreb.
  • Ivić, N., M. Zorica (ed.) 2017. Roland Barthes - Création, émotion, jouissance, Classiques Garnier, coll. Rencontres, Paris.

Memberships and honours

  • member of Croatian semiotic society
  • Honoris Professor at the University of Rijeka


University of Zagreb
Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
Ivana Lučića 3
10000 Zagreb



Related political novels

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Reading materials


Political Novel in Historiographical and Sociological Perspective: Structures and Analogies - part 1


What is the Political Novel: Defining the Genre - day 3