Elijahova stolica
The Judgment of Richard Richter
Yugoslav Wars
Second World War
Ewa Szperlik PhD Associate Professor, Croatist, Slavicist. Academic teacher and certified tutor. She researches the contemporary and recent literature of the former Yugoslavia (Croatian, Serbian, Bosnian) and explores the issue of changes in culture and literature after 1945 and after the disintegration of Yugoslavia in the 1990s.
In the CAPONEU team her role is to contribute to the research part of the project by writing scientific articles and text portraits, giving presentations at conferences and workshops, and participating in various working groups of the project. She is the author of a work package devoted to emigration, migration, resettlement, refugees and nomadism in contemporary Europe. The Workshop: Migration, exile, exodus in PNE was devoted to this issue.
University of Adam Mickiewicz Poznan
Faculty of Polish and Classical Philology
Institute of Slavic Philology
Head of the South Slavic Literature Department
Book author
Chorwacka (nie)pamięć o Jugosławii. Przemilczenia, pominięcia i odpamiętanie w prozie chorwackiej po roku 1991, Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, Poznań 2019, ISBN 978-83-232-3499-9
Books/special issues of journals edited
Baer Magdalena; Lis-Wielgosz, Izabela; Szperlik Ewa eds. Bezdroża komunikacji, kontakt, porozumienie, akceptacja (Poznań 2022, Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM).
Szperlik, Ewa; Zieliński Bogusław eds. Południowosłowiańskie sąsiedztwo. Slawistyka i komparatystyka dzisiaj (Seria Filologia Słowiańska nr 30, Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2012).
Memberships and honours
Member of the Commission on Slavic Studies of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Poznań branch
Distinction in the Prof. Jerzy Skowronek Award competition in 2020 for the monograph: Chorwacka (nie)pamięć o Jugosławii. Przemilczenia, pominięcia i odpamiętanie w prozie chorwackiej po roku 1991 (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, Poznań 2019)/(Croatian (non)memory about Yugoslavia. Concealment, Omission and Re-Remembering in Croatian prose after 1991).
University of Adam Mickiewicz Poznan
Faculty of Polish and Classical Philology
Institute of Slavic Philology
Fredry 10
61-701, Poznań
Email: ewa.szperlik@amu.edu.pl
External links
Yugoslav Wars
Second World War